Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein, Nobel Physicist
Is it beginning to feel like you and your business are in a rut? Is the market passing you by? Well, maybe you are in a rut; and maybe you are being passed. If so, it is high time you checked your paradigm.
What’s a paradigm? Well, it’s a pattern or model of something – like a sales process, or the way you look at the world. In a rapidly changing world, paradigms can be dangerous. They lock us into the way things have always been done. They oppress the creativity that got us here. Eventually, they box us out of the market.
Some paradigms are resilient, and should be; but even the most resilient paradigms should be challenged from time to time. Adjusting your paradigms will challenge your trust in God and your ability to hear Him… and that’s a good thing. Remember, He loves you and He has an adventurous plan for you.
Marketplace Ministry Tip: Take the time this month to attend a conference, read a book, or research a topic on the internet that will challenge your paradigms. Use these as communication tools with God – your CEO. Surrender to His will and allow Him to free you from the paradigms that are oppressing your creativity. Contact me, at, if I can help you in this regard.
Your servant and His forever,