The LORD has encouraged me to offer the following:
If you desire a personal relationship (or a deeper one) with the God of the Bible, I am here to help. The Lord has commissioned me – along with every other Christian – to do this very thing. Doing so is one way we express our love to Him, so you would be doing me a favor.
If you already have a close relationship with the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, I strongly encourage you to extend the same offer, in your own words, via your preferred communication channels. If you need help with helping others, let me know. We will walk this thing out together.
God bless you with full encouragement for the days ahead, and wonder at the full potential of His life in you and those you love.
Have a strong day in the Lord,
Ministry Updates and Prayer Requests
Please turn your prayerful attention to God’s voice and purpose for you in this season. We are truly in a Kairos moment of spiritual challenge and opportunity. Knowing His voice is now of paramount importance, and the purpose He entrusts to you will likely be your greatest kingdom legacy.
We have entered into an agreement with Leadership Books, Inc. to republish The Storms Have Only Just Begun. They plan to remarket the book in hard cover, paperback, electronic, and audio formats. Most amazing and promising: We will be taping a video curriculum for the book in April. Please pray for this endeavor – particularly for me to become a better verbal communicator.
God has answered our prayers for the development of a Christian network in Douglas County, Georgia (and the surrounding area). Several churches and ministries are coming together to manifest Jesus’ prayer for unity in service to their community, initially through a Whole Life Resources Network. Please pray that we would have the spirit of wisdom and revelation for God’s way in the good work He will accomplish.
On a personal note, Beth and I sold our home of almost 15 years and purchased a new (to us) property that will allow us to do a bit of homesteading. I am hoping for chickens/quail, bee hives, and gardens. God did much in us and through us at the old place. We are grateful for that and looking forward to His plans for the Trout Creek Homestead. Please note our new address is 8322 Saucier Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135. We also appreciate your prayers for our continued spiritual growth and the use of our new harbor as a refuge of encouragement and wisdom in the storms of this chaotic season.
The seemingly positive political changes we have been blessed with this election cycle will not mitigate the storms expected to wash ashore over the next five to ten years. The crisis and chaos will continue to escalate. It will be particularly hard on our sisters and brothers already suffering under persecution. Please pray for them as if chained with them – since you yourselves are in the body also (Hebrews 13:3).
Partnering with inLight Consulting
God’s purpose for inLight Consulting is beyond human capability. We are desperately dependent on Him; and would have it no other way. We are grateful for the continued support of those that trust God to use this ministry to further His kingdom. Please pray for our vision and mission.
Share the truths you find here with the leaders in your life; it will make them free.
God bless you with wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; and may He give you the grace and courage to walk in the work He has prepared for you.
Humbly yours and forever His,