Equipping Christian Leaders for Workplace Transformation
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inLight Adventure Blog

Can BHAGs be God’s Hope for You?

Woman Praising Against a Blue SkyThen Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Joshua 3:5

I have been working with a ministry that provides resources for Business Leaders, through a program called Christian Roundtable Groups. As you might expect, the lesson for January encouraged the Roundtable members to create a list of goals for 2014. What is unique about this ministry is their attention to developing Big Hairy Audacious (God-sized) Goals, or BHAGs. The foundational verse – Joshua 3:5 – got me to thinking about the way all of us (not just business leaders) should discern God’s goals for vocation, family and ministry. I pray the following encourages you for the coming year.

Have you notice the spirit of hope that is rising up within the Christian community? I believe God is trying to encourage us for more; more of His life and power – the evidence of Matthew 5:16 and John 14:12. So, I was excited to discover Joshua 3:5. It is a great word of hope for God’s people – both then and now! The Biblical context: God’s people are preparing to walk through a miracle into His promise. That miracle (i.e., the Jordan River heaping up for their crossing) was just the beginning of what God had planned for them.

Will you let Him begin in your life? What miracles and plans does God have for you, your business/vocation and your various spheres of influence? What are His promises for you – those things you know He intends to give you? The Israelites were promised, and given:

… a land on which you had not labored, and cities which you had not built, and you have lived in them; you are eating of vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant. Joshua 24:13

Is it possible that God has something just as dramatic in store for you? How would you know? Do you think God operates on the wishes of man, or out of His own purposes? Has God left us to guessing, or is it possible to know the goals God has for us? Stop here – right now – and ask Him to encourage you in the truth: He wants all of His people to know what He is doing with that which He has created for His kingdom purposes (i.e., your business and/or spheres of influence).

Now, let me ask you a more revealing question: Would you rather plan and invest resources based on what you want; or, would you rather follow His plan, using the resources He provides, to do what He wants? In other words, who owns your business? Who is in charge in your spheres of influence? Don’t answer too quickly – it would be better for you to be honest with yourself. It is easier to surrender unto obedience than it is to escape the bonds of deception.

If you answered, “God is the CEO and Owner of my business; of He is the King of my spheres”, then you have accomplished the requirement of Joshua 3:5 – you have consecrated what He has established.

Consecrate (qadash): To consecrate, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be hallowed, be holy, be sanctified, be separate, to keep oneself apart or separate (for God).

Now that you’ve met the first requirement, you can proceed to the process that will supernaturally reveal His BHAGs for this season of your life. Are you ready? Okay; then here’s the process:

  1. Ask Him.

That’s right, one simple step – simple, but not necessarily easy. Why? Because Satan, the world and our flesh have convinced us to ask them; and we may have been doing that for quite a long time. Old habits are hard to break. Furthermore, it is not easy because we have forgotten how to ask Him.

And how is that? Well, we will need to ask Him as we would any omnipotent and omniscient CEO/Owner: With humility and a heart willing to do exactly what He says. Like I said: Simple, but not easy. In fact, our approach to Him, and our response to His direction, will prove what we truly believe. Can we trust Him? Is He really in charge? Is He faithful to His promises?

You know this to be true: He can be trusted! He really is in charge! And He is always faithful to His promises! You know this to be true; so, act appropriately: Consecrate yourself, humbly ask, and aggressively obey; then, and only then, He will give you the God-sized desires that He has put in your heart. He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think; according to the power that works in you. He will be glorified!!

May God bless you as His instrument of righteousness in the coming year.

Humbly yours and His forever,

Rob Streetman; President, inLight Consulting, Inc.

P.S. You can check out Christian Roundtable Groups at https://www.christianroundtablegroups.com/Public/Default.asp.




