These Sayings of Mine – Lay Up Treasures in Heaven (Part 1)
This saying is particularly hard to hear for those in the church that are tempted – and even presently deceived – by the American Dream. Consequently, I am concerned that I may lose a few of you on this one. So, before you turn away, let me encourage you: We are all in process; and our heavenly Father is sensitive to our place in the race.
THE Way to Avoid Deception
Deception will overcome those who have not received a love of the truth, and it will do so WITH GOD’S HELP. Furthermore, that deception will prevent those poor individuals from being saved.
inLight Adventure Newsletter – Excited and Hopeful for 2021
Storms are lining up like tropical depressions during hurricane season. Who can imagine how long the season will last, or how severe the storms will be?
These Sayings of Mine – Fast to Please God
Importantly, Jesus did not say, “…if you fast”. Fasting is not an optional discipline for the serious Christian; it is assumed. Furthermore, Jesus speaks of fasting in exactly the same way He speaks of doing good works and praying, thus highlighting the importance of fasting in the normal Christian life.
4 Biblical Perspectives for Chaos Navigation
The perspectives we take with us into the storms of life are critical, make-or-break paradigms. If we think like the world, we will seek worldly solutions. This is the only option for most of mankind.
Christians, on the other hand, have the perspective of heaven (Ephesians 2:6). We would be foolish to set our minds on anything else.
These Sayings of Mine – Forgive Their Trespasses
This may be the most direct, easily understood and often taught saying of Jesus. So, why is the church so divided over the trespasses of others? How many Christian friendships have been broken and how many churches split apart over unforgiveness?
4 Benefits of Grieving During Chaotic Times
As strange as it may sound, grieving offers a strategic advantage to the Christian leader who will go there and subsequently help their spheres of influence do the same. God is calling us to more – to a higher level of glory (and kingdom productivity). To get there, we must grieve.
inLight Adventure Newsletter – The Storms Have Come
One does not need prophetic gifts to recognize that the chaos and storms of 2020 will continue for the foreseeable future. The 2020s will likely
These Sayings of Mine – Position Yourself to Pray
“The Model Prayer” is a model of prayer for our positioning before our Father in heaven. We must come into the Father’s presence through the model He has given us. Without this positioning, all that we have to say are the vain repetitions of man.
6 Steps for Maximizing the Chaos
Recognizing that God uses chaos to transform us, and that transformation comes by the renewing of our mind, we offer here a tool which will help every Christian think rightly about the chaos God allows and creates.