Challenge #4 – Think More Broadly About Transformation
This is the fourth installment in our series on spiritual challenges. For your convenience, here are the previous three challenge articles: What is the gospel?
inLight Adventure Newsletter – We Desperately Need to Stop and Think
I was watching a YouTube video about the many existential threats facing humanity, when I sensed God saying something. I hesitate to call it “a
Christianly Thinking – Challenge #1
Last week, we inadvertently introduced a Christianly thinking challenge: What is the Gospel? In other words, have you thought about the Gospel enough to know
Help Me Out Here – What is the Gospel?
I have been encouraged to include a “First Things” chapter in our latest writing project: A Christian Response to the Meaning Crisis. Here we offer
Christianly Thinking – Transformation or Bust
God has allowed “Christianity” to run itself into chaos. Instead of growing “to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son
A Christian Response to the Meaning Crisis
I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not
Encouragement for the Leaders We Know
This article is addressed to Christian leaders in the workplace and in the church. If you are not one, reading it will help you prepare
Christianly Attention and the Meaning Crisis
Please note: This article is longer than normal, so you may need to read it in parts. However you determine to make it through to
The Moral “What” and “How” of Attention
Our intention in this short series of articles is to: (1) prove the proposition of attention as a moral act, (2) present the implications of
Why Faith?
My daily walk through the Bible recently brought me to the “Faith Hall of Fame,” found in Hebrews 11. But rather than focus on the