Adjusting your Conflict Attitude
Conflict is inevitable. What we do with it can have far-reaching consequences. The attitude we take into a conflict (planned or otherwise) greatly effects the
Overcoming our Carnal Mind – Postscript
We will close out this series with a renewed consideration of God’s purpose for it; namely, our sanctification. As we know, sanctification is the process
Overcoming the Carnal Mind – The Disciplines (Part 4)
The Work of the Faith Discussing faith and works together has become a difficult, anxiety-inducing exercise for most of the Body of Christ. This is
Overcoming the Carnal Mind – The Disciplines (Part 3)
Obedience to the Faith Through Him [Jesus] we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name, among
Overcoming our Carnal Mind – The Disciplines (Part 2)
The Hearing of Faith In this, the seventh installment of our series, we offer four spiritual disciplines for the hearing of faith. Let’s begin by
Overcoming our Carnal Mind – The Disciplines of Faith
This is the sixth article in our series on overcoming the carnal mind. I appreciate and applaud those of you that have come this far.
Overcoming Our Carnal Mind – The Faith and Mind Connection
In previous articles, we have: Made the case for attaching enemy status to our carnal minds; Provided five ways for exposing the carnal mind’s deceptive
Overcoming Our Carnal Mind – Phase Two (or is it Three?)
Last week’s article was primarily written to encourage you in identifying and exposing the ways our carnal mind attempts to deceive us (Phase One). In
Persevere in Phase One – the Truth will Make you Free
Last week I shared with you that the first phase of overcoming our carnal mind is identifying and exposing its deceptive ways. I listed five
Overcoming Our Carnal Mind – Phase One
If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your