These Sayings of Mine – Resist the Enemies’ Temptations
Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father
These Sayings of Mine – Chapter Five Summary
Did you know that the Bible was not written in chapter and verse form? Chapters were first introduced in 1227, by Stephen Langton. Verse divisions
These Sayings of Mine – Be Extraordinary; Be Perfect
Our God is a process-oriented problem solver. Give Him a problem – say, expressing His glory through mud babies – and He will give you
These Sayings of Mine – Love, Bless, Do Good, and Pray for Your Enemies
Several times in this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has used “You have heard…” to extend and enrich their understanding of the
These Sayings of Mine – Give and Lend (Trust and Obey)
Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. Matthew 5:42 Honestly, I have had
Workplace Ministry Tip #38 – Choose Your Path to Success Carefully
Getting ahead in business requires more than working hard. One must work harder than the persons ahead of them; for those persons, being ahead, have
These Sayings of Mine – Overcome Evil with Good
There are passages in the Sermon on the Mount that are impossible to understand with the carnal mind. The fact that our minds are in
The “And” of Searching in Community
There was a time in my life when I would pass over sections of Scripture because they were beyond my understanding. At the time, I
A Storm is Coming – An Exciting Revelation
I was recently blessed to share, at the Partners in Ministry Fall Retreat, on three critical steps Christians can take to prepare for the coming
Repost: These Sayings of Mine – Do Not Swear at All
Most of Jesus’ sayings in the Sermon on the Mount – you know, those saying that we are to do – are truly beyond our