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inLight Adventure Blog

Time – Bound and Not – Eternity is Calling

NOTE:  This is my first post since March.  Thanks for rejoining.  The house fire story is in the works.  In the meantime…

ClocksTime is an allusive thing; and so is its understanding.  After all, God is the Timeless One, so it makes sense that time is difficult to firmly grasp with our minds.  Have you ever thought about a time period (e.g., graduation or last year’s vacation) and it seemed like forever ago? But in the next moment you think from another angle and it seems like it was just yesterday?

This seems to happen more, the older I get.  Anyway…

We are given limited time to accomplish things.  It is the reality of raw time.  But, time belongs to God and it is a part of what we call eternity (eternity is both unending and of immeasurable quality).  With this understanding, we can consider time from God’s perspective. For example, with eternity in mind, we can believe that tests, trials and tribulations are minor compared to the glory that is to come (in this life and the next).  Assuming God’s perspective also encourages us to trust Him to redeem the time we have – and even enlarge it – as we consecrate it to Him. I can testify that He does this enlarging – it’s very cool!!

My daughter Sarah spends a lot of time studying and a lot of time in class – she’s in the Nursing Program at Columbus State University. As she gives this time to the Lord, for His glory, He can take and enlarge it to His purpose.  This is a supernatural handling of time and is only possible as we give it to Him.  Most people want to control everything – particularly their time.  Ironically, this limits their time to a natural thing that eventually controls them.

In a recent devotion, Bill Gothard suggested that we ask two questions about our activities: 1) Will this activity count ten years from now? 2) Will it count for eternity? He goes on to point out that twenty minutes saved each day for one year add up to three forty hour weeks. For Sarah, sitting for hours in a classroom is not a waste of time.  It is what she has been called to during this season of her life. However, watching Dr. Who episodes probably doesn’t have the same eternal value. In fact, I would argue that TV is eternally worthless – even wasteful – for all of us. 

In conclusion, I would add a third question to this consideration of our time investments: 

What else could I be doing that would be of eternal value? 

As they say, “Time is money.”  Let’s say I have $20 and find myself in a Dollar Store.  If I am wise, I will ask myself, “Self, would it be better to spend this $20 on something of quality that I really need, or on 20 cheap things that I just want.”  Better yet, if I am wise in the Lord (remembering the parable of the talents), I will first ask the Lord how I can best invest my $20 into His Kingdom. 

So, why don’t we think of time the same way?  How can I best invest the next 30 minutes into the Kingdom?

Well, now it’s become a “duh”!!  Of course I would rather invest my time in the Kingdom!!  Why would anyone be so STUPID to invest in anything less?  DUH!!  DUH!!  DUH!!

God help me!!  Why, oh why, are the DUHs so difficult to see in the course of my day!?!

Your humbled servant and His,





