Equipping Christian Leaders for Workplace Transformation
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inLight Adventure Blog

Four Leadership Lessons from the Golden Calf Affair

I recently had the pleasure of attending a Sunday School class that is studying its way through Exodus. It should not have surprised me that the story of Moses and the people of Israel included some good workplace lessons. But honestly, I never thought about it. Someone should write a book: Workplace Lessons from the Wilderness. Hmm.

Anyway, go ahead and read Exodus 32. I bet there are some things there that will surprise you, too. Give those things some thought. Ask God a question or two (He loves talking with His children). Here are four lessons from the Golden Calf affair:

  1. People are incredibly susceptible to self-deception and compromise. And just to be clear, it was not Satan that made them do it. There is no mention here of Satan’s involvement. The people decided to disobey God on their own. The carnal mind is a trickster.
  2. Poor leaders (i.e., Aaron) are quick to blame-shift and invent the most ridiculous lies – particularly when their authority is questioned or their reputation threatened. This is one of the dangers of authority.
  3. Good leaders care deeply for their people and their people’s future – even to the point of severe discipline. They take responsibility for their people’s actions and take action to ensure their people don’t make the same mistake again.
  4. Consequently, good leaders have access to God and influence with Him on behalf of their people. This is one of the great blessings of authority – intimacy with God.

It is this last point that strikes me as the most profound. Greater authority not only requires a higher degree of integrity and responsibility – it also offers deeper intimacy with the One to whom we are to give an account. This is God’s way, and Moses is not the only example in Scripture. It is tragic that so many fail to take advantage of God’s open-door policy.

Now, about that book: If anyone knows of one in print, I would like to read it. Otherwise, we will add it to the list of potential writing projects.

God bless you with grace for the authority He has entrusted to you, and the wisdom and courage to enter into His presence on a regular basis.

Humbly yours and forever His,





