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inLight Adventure Blog

inLight Adventure Newsletter – Do Not Waste the Pause (2nd Reminder)

This time of year has always been a time of reflection for me. I am sure many of you are the same. Having reviewed the September newsletter, I cannot imagine a better encouragement. For those of you who have completed the exercise, we recommend reviewing what you received with your closest family members and friends. You will also find three personal questions at the end. I would be very interested to know your answers, and promise to pray over them.

The Updates and Prayer Requests are also the same as they were in September, and still important to our mission at inLight Consulting. Additionally, I am taking a short sabbatical to assess priority in light of some things God has recently shared. Please pray for my hearing, surrender, and courage to do what I am told.

Preparing for the Next Crisis

With the storms and chaos of this decade threatening to intensify (e.g., presidential election fallout, artificial intelligence disruption), each one of us would be wise to take advantage of this short, relatively peaceful pause before the next crisis.

Be encouraged to resist the temptation to settle back into complacency. Allow God to build something into your capacity that will enable you to better weather the next storm and navigate the chaos it produces. Become His instrument to produce the same increased spiritual capacity in your spheres of influence. Here are some ideas for your consideration:

  1. Think back on the last storm (e.g., COVID or the Supply Chain collapse). What do you wish you had done to prepare for that storm? Strongly consider doing that. If you did not struggle during these storms, you have something others need: peace, hope, fearlessness, and faith. Who do you know that needs these things?
  2. What are the most important spiritual growth areas for you right now? Forgiveness? Fearlessness? Developing deeper relationships? Receiving the love of the truth? Hearing God’s voice? As you discern God’s direction, seek His way for growth in that area. Let me know if you need help.
  3. Give attention to God’s eternal purposes: Reign, habitation, intimacy, and glory. Align yourself with each one.
  4. From a practical perspective, if you know God’s voice, ask him what he would have you do based on your best discernment for what is coming (e.g., economic collapse, persecution, another pandemic).

If you do not know God’s voice, then start there. There will be no more important capability in the storms and chaos. Discovering relational, conversational prayer is not as hard as it might seem. The Father loves talking with His children, and He is not hiding. However, learning and responding to His voice takes practice. You will make mistakes; we all do. Better to do that now; the consequences will be greater when the next storm hits.

Lastly, building deeper fellowship with other faithful Christians will be the second most important thing any of us will do. Everything mentioned above can be done in community. Indeed, the preparation will come quicker and be more resilient.

Three Additional Questions

Remember to use these questions (and those above) as conversation topics with your Father in heaven. He loves talking with His children.

  1. What am I asking God for in 2024?
  2. What is God asking of me in 2024?
  3. What “greater works” might God do through me in 2024 (see John 14:12)?

Again, I would be very interested to know your answers, and promise to pray over them for you.

In all these things, please, please, please let me know if I can help you take advantage of the pause.

Have a merry Christmas and a strong 2024 in the Lord,



Ministry Updates and Prayer Requests

As I mentioned last time, my research for the new writing project on Christianly thinking has revealed a Kairos moment of great challenge and opportunity for all of us. Here are three reasons I believe this to be so:

  1. The Decade of Discord – transition points for the socio-economic and institutional cycles have merged in the 2020s (George Friedman). We can now add technological and philosophical upheaval, as well. We are approximately one-third of the way through this chaotic decade. What will the Church look like on the other side?
  2. The Meaning Crisis – with religion long having been replaced by the now rejected Modernity, people do not know where to turn for meaning and purpose. The kingdom of God has much to offer, but is the Church prepared for the opportunity?
  3. The Remnant’s Return – those exiled to Babylon (God giving them what they asked for) are coming out of her in singles and small groups. Who will lead them into the kingdom?

I have organized a small network of similarly interested Christians to understand how God might use the Church to address them. Please pray for our understanding and discernment, and let me know if you want to be involved.

Your prayers have been effectual for the three groups we are helping lead through transformational adventures. God is stirring the desires of their hearts for His good work. Please continue to pray for their courage and discernment.

Please pray for the workplace leaders who have joined the Douglas County Trusted Advisor Forum. God has called, positioned, and authorized them to help lead the Church out of its depressed state.

Our brothers and sisters in India continue to suffer tremendously at the hands of radical Hindus. Please continue to pray for their hope, protection, and perseverance in loving their enemies.

Continue to pray for the workplace leaders you know. And let me know how I can help you minister to them (we have tons of resources for you to share).

The Prayer Fellowship Beth and I host in our home has been a wonderful blessing for all involved. Most importantly, we are growing closer together and learning God’s voice. Thank you for your prayers for us.

Partnering with inLight Consulting

God’s purpose for inLight Consulting is beyond human capability. We are desperately dependent on Him; and would have it no other way. We are grateful for the continued support of those that trust God to use this ministry to further His kingdom. Please pray for our vision and mission.

Share the truths you find here with the leaders in your life; it will make them free.

God bless you with wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; and may He give you the grace and courage to walk in the work He has prepared for you.

Humbly yours and forever His,





